

Feng-shui is a typically oriental philosophy of life which has recently found access and diffusion to the western world.

The goal of this discipline is the search for harmony in the home environment, in the arrangement of furnishings and everything that makes up an apartment.

There is no unified doctrine on Feng-shui, but there are numerous schools that have developed a complex set of rules, the two most important being San Yuan Pai and San He Pai. The practice of Feng-shui is an ancient tradition of over five thousand years of Chinese and Tibetan origin and has the Japanese equivalent in Ka-so.

In ancient times it was called Ti-Li, the art of the “black bird”, a symbol of the solar spirit, whose teachings were the basis of agricultural and land use planning practices.

Feng-shui literally means “wind and water“, in honor of the two elements that shape the earth and which with their flow determine the more or less healthy characteristics of a particular place.

According to Taoismthere are two general principles that guide the development of natural events, they are the Ch’i and the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang. Yang is the principle that represents masculinity, while yin is the principle that represents the female component of the world.

In Feng-shui, yin is represented by water and yang by wind: two of the most important elements that govern and regulate nature. In Feng-shui the I Ching is practiced in Bagua when furnishing the interior of buildings.


Many believe that the origins of Feng-shui derive from astrology, and in particular in the 9-star Ki, which is also based on the principles of Yin and Yang. This horoscope is composed of 9 numbers, associated with the 5 elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood), each of which corresponds to a direction. Fire is associated with the South, and indicates the brightness, creativity and inspiration, the spirit.

Water is associated with the North and concerns rest, interiority and interpersonal relationships. The metal in the North-Westand West and concerns organization, financial activities, investments. The land in the North-Eastand South-West is about government, social, nutrition and health. Wood in the Eastand South-West and concerns travel, trade, inventions and information technology.

The origins of Feng-shui appear very ancient and tombs dating back to the Neolithic Age have been discovered which seem to follow its principles in construction. In the centuries leading up to the Qin dynasty, Feng-shui, called Ka Nyu, was part of the divinatory arts that political and military advisers did.



According to Feng-shui supporters, there are basic principles that can be relied upon in building a house, such as choosing the terrain and shape of the house itself.

For example, according to the principles of Feng-shui, a house should be square or rectangular with rounded corners and regular shape, also it should have a green dragon to the east (tall plants that protect this side), a white tiger to the west (also on this side of the plants, but lower), a black turtle to the North (a large boulder) and the red phoenix to the South (it can also be represented in symbolic form, that is, a stone with a red bow).

Since the southern part of the building is the most exposed to light and heat from the sun, it is considered to correspond to fire and yang, while the northern part of the house is considered to correspond to water and career.

In fact, one of the suggestions of Feng-shui is to sleep with your head facing north and your feet facing south. It is proven that each direction has a relationship with an aspect of life.

Feng-shui is so present in the daily life of the Orientals that it has become an integral part of the training of those who deal with architecture and has closely linked to the practice of geomancy, or respect for subtle balances in order to make human settlements favorable to human settlements. energies of the place.

The space in which you carry out your business becomes a “container” able to adapt perfectly to our personality and our dispositions of spirit; in compliance with the laws that harmonize forms, functions and substances of all the matter thus constituted.


Orientals often turn to a Feng-shui expert for the choice of the land on which to build, for how to orient the house and the main door according to the date of birth of the head of the family, to also choose the date of commencement of construction and the date of transfer of the family to the new one home.

According to cultural traditions, a Feng-shui expert is also believed to be able to evaluate a house from an energy point of view, and to decide what are the activities to be carried out to harmonize the energy inside the house and bring to the family that the lives calm and tranquility.

This style is still visible in several ancient cities all over the world where the roofs of traditional buildings have the corners turned upwards, while in gardening the hedges run along the perimeter limit to protect the interior giving the foundations for the gardening styles.


Western and Eastern architecture pursue the same goal, namely to achieve balance. However, while western architecture reaches it through the use of symmetry, eastern architecture comes through continuous dynamism.

In fact, yin and yang will never be equal to each other, they are always in a changing relationship and their task is to balance these two equal but opposite forces.

Let’s see specifically how this oriental philosophy, Feng-shui, is adapted to the different rooms of your home to make them suitable for its basic principles.


The Feng-shui philosophy believes that the best place for the bedroomis located as far as possible from the main entrance and the street, beyond the building’s median line.

The ideal would be to position it in front of a peaceful natural landscape. If, on the other hand, it is positioned at the front of the house, a mirror hanging in front of the door is needed which will “push” the room back.

For Feng-shui, the arrangement of the bedroom is of primary importance, in fact, according to these rules, the bed should be placed transversely, with the head facing east.

The optimal position is in the corner diagonally opposite the entrance, so that you never have your head or feet pointing directly towards the entrance to the room.



To respect Feng-shui in the office, the work table should be placed in the strongest point of the room, so that the back is protected and the gaze can be directed to the door and window..

What is in front of the workplace is also extremely important as it increases Qi and is a source of inspiration. Therefore desks whose position is in front of a wall should be avoided.

In addition, the best choice would be a minimal and well-ordered furnishing arrangement, synonymous for the Orientals with a calm, well-disposed and strongly oriented spirit towards achieving their goals.

Specifically, the desk should be positioned in the center of the room, not facing the door, so as to be the fulcrum and manifold of all the subtle energies present in the room.


The rules of Feng-shui in the kitchen teach how to set the table, choose the colors and foods for a formal or cheerful lunch, an intimate or family dinner.

To circulate positive energies and free negative ones from the environment in which the cook transforms food with the use of the five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, metal.

The arrangement of the kitchen elements does not follow real mandatory laws but, as for all the other rooms in the house, it is directed towards creating a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere for all members of the family.

Furthermore, the kitchen is an important gathering place for all family members, who meet both at the beginning and at the end of the day to share their day, their interests, etc.

Furthermore, for this discipline, cooking is a key environment for the health of the individual since it is the place where food is prepared and consumed. In fact, the latter being the very essence of our body and primary source of our energy, they must always be prepared with the right emotional and spiritual disposition.


The living room is a mixed and multifunctional environment and in general the living room is often the largest room in the home. Increasingly common are the kitchens open to the living room, even if it is not a very suitable conformation.

To furnish a living room in Feng-shui style the first thing to consider is the shape it should be rectangular or square, with a high ceiling. The exposed beams are from avoid, as bearers of negative energies.

In a living room the essential elements are a large table, a large characterizing element, and a relaxation area consisting of sofas and armchairs but also a free, open and soft space.

According to Feng-shui, the front door of the house should not open on the center of the living room, because it is too yang. In these cases, it is necessary to place some furniture, or a sofa with a heavy back.

The main sofa must absolutely not be positioned in front of the entrance and can be directed laterally towards the entrance door only if there are other interposed furnishings.

The relaxation area should not be crossed by paths, because it is clearly of functions in collision, in fact it should be positioned in the most protected and secluded area of the living room.

If there are many doors, French windows and passages, it is difficult to find an area to contextualize the relaxation area and, in fact, often in this case it is necessary to screen the windows with curtains and interrupt the passages.

Sofas and armchairs should be positioned so as to contextualize a free internal area, which becomes the “exchange point” between people.



Finally, colors also occupy an important place in the furnishings of your home. The colors are connected to the different cardinal points and it should be remembered when choosing them for the different rooms of the house to be furnished.

Let’s see specifically how Feng-shui interprets the various colors and what meanings it gives to each of them:


  • Green is the color of plants and nature, symbolizing growth and study. Furthermore, it is the color of renewal and regeneration. In fact, this tint transfers physical and mental balance, not surprisingly it is often used in health-related places such as clinics and hospitals. Since it is also the color of abundance it can be used in the kitchen to promote digestion;
  • The blue, whatever the room in which it is used, conveys a feeling of concentration and serenity. Blue exudes positive energy and therefore if you are in a stressed period, Feng-shui recommends contemplating this color, if anything, also clothes in the closet. It can be used in the master bathroom to evoke a sense of calm, in the children’s room or on the ceiling of the entrance, declined in various shades.


  • Red represents animal life and learning; is auspicious especially combined with black. Furthermore, it represents the element of fire for Feng-shui. It is the Chinese color of luck and happiness, and brings joy, excitement into the home. But one must be careful to use red everywhere: for example the use of red in a bedroom can be too stimulating. Instead, using red in a dining room brings energy and helps digestion;
  • Yellow is related to life on the planet and represents longevity and good mood. For Feng-shui it is the color of light, it means power and stimulates health. Whether used at home or in the office, yellow brings lively and uplifting vibrations to an environment and drives away negative energies. For Feng-shui yellow is an excellent choice for the children’s room;
  • Orange is a warm tint that transmits energy and, in fact, can be used in environments such as the living room or kitchen to encourage conversation and give a sense of liveliness;
  • Pink is often connected to love. For Feng-shui it is a perfect color for any environment, from the living room to the laundry room, as it softens the energy. The gentle and delicate vibrations of pink according to Feng-shui have a demonstrated calming effect on behavior, just don’t go overboard with the brighter shades of this color.


  • White is the color linked to money and is used in public places to attract good luck;
  • Black is related to rest and settling. Black represents deep waters and universal emptiness, adds depth and strength to an environment. The black color belongs to the element of water and to Yin, which in Chinese indicates the feminine. In fact, it is used to bring energy into a space, from the entrance to the kitchen, as long as it does not exceed the height of the eyes, because black indicates earthly stability.


The wellness of body and mind are the basis of many oriental philosophies which, through meditation and relaxation, they aim at eliminating tension external to uplift the spirit. The environment in which we live influences a lot state of our psyche and our well-being. That’s why it’s important furnish your home and make it welcoming, calming and familiar.

The oriental decor reflects the principles underlying the Eastern philosophical currents from Zen to minimalism.

In the classic oriental furniture, the light in the rooms must be suffused and radiated by lamps or candles, the environment is often perfumed by incense and the floor is used a lot. Futon beds on tatami mats and low tables with cushions are a must-have.

Almost all of the materials used in oriental furniture are light and of oriental origin. For example the classic sliding doors made of a particular type of paper called “shoji“. The choice of this ultra-light material is able to give the room greater lighting.

Wood is the most used material, but bamboo is also used often and is appreciated for its lightness, strength and naturalness.

Finally, the Feng-shui style is very successful indicates the ancient Chinese art of furnishing spaces in harmony with the universe. The spaces are organized to create a real and own harmony between the interior and exterior of the house.

The charm of the Orient is undisputed, in fact there are now many people who love to insert details and accessories inside their home that recall atmospheres not belonging to their own culture. The oriental furniture is ideal both in the bedroom and in the living room, places where you can relax after a busy working day.

In addition, the Zen garden it is the place where the principles of the Feng-shui philosophy are best explained, the perfect place to find calm and tranquility in this frenetic society.



What are you waiting for? Follow our articles and find out how to best decorate your rooms in perfect oriental style! In case of doubts or more detailed advice regarding the furnishing of your home following the principles of Feng-shui, do not hesitate to leave a comment at the end of the article!

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