

Furnishing a boat is like furnishing a house. In fact, it’s harder because there are really a lot of factors to take into consideration. Instead, we want to create a support text for those who are about to choose the furniture of their boat.

We will collect ideas, suggestions and ideas around the theme of furnishing boats, valid for boats of any type. When furnishing a boat, it is essential to also think about the cleaning and maintenance that these components will require to last!


Those who are looking for ideas related to the interior of their boat are inclined to type ‘nautical furniture‘ on search engines. However, nautical furnishing is by no means exclusive to boats, quite the contrary. In the last few years this particular maritime style has made its way more and more to the mainland, contaminating seaside apartments, bars, etc.

While those who furnish their boat strive to make it look like a home there are many people who do exactly the opposite. So it should come as no surprise to see houses furnished with furniture that looks like it came out of a shipyard. Any furnishing element of a boat can be ‘borrowed’ to bring a nautical flair to a normal apartment.

All in all, then, it is not at all surprising to find an increasingly rich offer of rooms for rent not in villas or condominiums, but in boats moored in ports. In fact, there are no longer any floating B&Bs crowding the big cities, from Genoa to London.



Think boat. Better yet, to take the vision to extremes, think of a sailboat, its navigation made up of swerves and tilts, to one side and the other. Here, try putting your kitchen, the one in your house – such as it is – under the deck of a sailboat in full sail. What do you see? We see drawers opening and closing, dropping cutlery, rolling pins and tablecloths all over the place. We see a fridge that suddenly opens up and, with the right roll, empties completely onto the ground. And again, we see plates shattering to the ground, spice jars rolling merrily hither and thither, not to mention any pots on the stove – turned off, for goodness sake.

Of course, when furnishing a boat, beauty and design are absolutely to be considered. But first of all it is necessary to think about the practicality of the whole, the functionality of each piece of furniture, its actual ‘nauticalness’.


Let’s assume that we have the freedom to choose the wood used to make the handcrafted and made-to-measure furnishings of our boat: a compulsory choice in the case of self-built hulls, a dream in the drawer – or even a heavenly mirage – for many other yachtsmen. The choice, of course, is endless, but not too much: the nautical environment has in fact some preferred materials, outside of which we rarely venture. Let’s skip the plastic and composite solutions, and focus on lumber alone. We could start by dividing the possibilities into two groups, i.e. putting the more exotic choices on one side and the options closer to home on the other.

Among the exotic woods for the interior of the boats we can’t help but think, obviously, of the classic mahogany, so traditional as to be almost a banal choice. But be warned: while mahogany is an obvious option, it still ensures a unique and elegant style. Always looking at the ties of other continents, another great classic of nautical furniture is teak, which is not only used for covers, but also for interiors. But as all sea wolves who take great care in the maintenance of teak on deck know, this is a very special detail that needs very special attention. And this is also true in terms of workmanship: those who want teak interiors must be sure to rely on expert craftsmen, actually able to work this material. If not, it is much better to opt for other types of wood.


After this fleeting glance at the interior of the boat, we can take some ideas for what concerns the external furnishings of our boats. And here, as you know, the matter changes a lot: inside a boat we could theoretically install any kind of chest of drawers or any kind of domestic furniture, without having particular problems about its duration. As for the outside, however, you have to deal with the particular marine environment, which adds the threats of salt, hot sun and sandto the normal atmospheric agents.


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Finally, if you need a personalized guide to furnishing with the DIY boat of your dreams, send an email to! Drop by our online portal!

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