How to clean kitchen floors without making too much effort? This is one of the rooms in the house that deserves the most attention because it gets dirty very easily. While we are preparing meals at the stove, while we are eating, because maybe children are playing here or our pets’ bowls are here: carefully cleaning and sanitizing the kitchen floor is absolutely essential, in order to live in safe environments for everyone.
In order to clean up, we obviously need to have all the necessary equipment. First a bucket and then maybe a mop. Lately people have been using the mop-shaped one because it is more convenient and easier than the classic mop.
You then need an effective cleaner to be able to clean all kinds of floors well. And we give you useful tips for making it at home.
Easy to fall into the spiral of chemicals when we have delicate floors, but it only takes more research to discover that we can maintain our eco-friendly mood even when we have to clean marble kitchen floors rather than parquet or carpet.
Of the three, the least challenging is wood floors: use a wet, well-wrung microfiber cloth and wipe it over the floor; it will regain its shine and remove dust.
The most effective, though not the quickest, remedy for thoroughly cleaning carpeting is to sprinkle some baking soda, let it sit for a couple of hours, and pick it all up with a vacuum cleaner-don’t be surprised if the color seems to lighten, it will go back to the way it was, only cleaner!
Marble is as beautiful as it is delicate: considered a naive floor, it requires beauty treatment comparable to an afternoon at a beauty farm. Arm yourself with patience and prepare the beauty mask for your floor: in a bucket mix some chalk with water, spread it on the floor and leave it for a good half hour. Dust the marble to remove excess product, rinse with marse soap, and admire your amazing, super clean marble floor!

If you not only want to have a clean house, but also shiny floors, you need to remember a few rules, which vary depending on the material from which the tiles you have chosen to decorate your home are made:
- Porcelain floors after washing also require a warm water rinse. In case of halos use sodium percarbonate.
- Remember that marble floor is very delicate, never use vinegar, because it will ruin it. In this case, use a soft cloth with a detergent made from water, baking soda, alcohol and mild soap.
- For terracotta floors, it may be best to dry it after washing using a microfiber cloth.
- What about the parquet floor? Forbidden to use alcohol and ammonia, better just warm water with essential oil and a soft cloth. To polish it, use a little olive oil to apply with a soft cloth.

If you want sparkling clean floors, you must use the right tools. Recognizing which ones they are is not always easy, and sometimes you end up making a lot of effort with little result. Titty & Flavia come to your aid by giving you a detailed list of all the cloths to best polish floors. In fact, floor cloths play a key role when cleaning and polishing this surface is to be performed. Identifying type of fiber from which floor cloths are made and the use for which they are designed will make it much easier for you and prevent you from wasting unnecessary time.

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