Furnishing your bedroom in a zen style is not just a trend that has taken hold in recent years. In fact, it is the expression of a centuries-old attention to seeking harmony within the living space.
Essential, clean, balanced, Zen furnishings allow you to create a human-sized atmosphere, which follows the rhythms of nature inspired by the principles of Feng Shui.
For those who want to furnish the bedroom area according to this style, the choice of Japanese furniture combines their taste with the philosophy of Zen.
Also, furnishing the bedroom is a major concern for people.
In fact, we are always looking for comfortable and economic solutions to set up a sleeping area that guarantees a gentle and vitalizing awakening to face the day.
The Zen style idealizes the bedroom in a comfortable, simple and minimalist home environment, free of furnishings and accessories that could be annoying.
Thinking about a Zen-style house, our mind travels far. In fact, it runs along the Silk Road and reaches Japan, with light wooden houses surrounded by Zen gardens.
It is a world that appears distant because it is the result of a millennial tradition far from the frenzy of western countries.
Yet theOrient still fascinates modern man, with its atmospheres and its slow time flowing through ancient rituals and gestures.
Everyone has imagined at least once to live in a traditional Japanese house and maybe we even slept resting the mattress directly on the ground.
In reality there is nothing improvised in Zen furnishings, which is instead closely linked to rules and principles derived from Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art that places the development of natural events in relation to our vital energy.
According to this philosophy, the arrangement of the rooms in our home, the design, the orientation of the rooms, the colors and the materials used also affect our personal well-being.
Here, therefore, attention must be paid to the functions of each individual environment, given that all these elements influence the domestic environment but also the human psyche.

The keyword of the Zen style, adopted for the choice of furnishings and in particular for the sleeping area is simplicity.
In fact, this is the motto that distinguishes the inhabitants of the East who prefer to live in a “poor” way, choosing things because they are needed and minimizing waste.
The first important step to take is choosing a bed. The latter, according to the Japanese style, must have pure and essential geometry. Typically the structure of a Japanese bed is entirely made of wood without any metal parts. This is because metal is a conductor of negative energies and its presence could ruin your sleep. In addition, the lines are essential, square or rounded and without excessive decoration. This bed manages to fit into any environment, especially in rooms where you are short on space.
Feng-shui rules require the bed to have a particular position within the furniture. In fact, to give a sense of calm and security it should not face the side and, moreover, the headboard should not be placed under a window, but against a wall.
A typically oriental variant to the bed with wooden structure is the simple futon, a Japanese mattress, symbol of well-being and health, lying directly on the tatami placed on the ground.
Natural, versatile and ecological, the futon is perfect for minimalist and space-saving furniture. In fact, it can be unrolled on the tatami just before sleeping and folded the next morning, not representing a fixed piece of furniture so you can make the most of the space in the room. Futon mattresses are quilted with double stitching resistant, you can find them from the most traditional completely in cotton to the most modern and comfortable solutions where inside are inserted sheets of latex or coconut.

Another must-have for a Zen-style bedroom is the presence of wardrobes and drawers. Specifically, Shoji style sliding door wardrobes are very popular. These doors have a characteristic wooden grid inside which is stretched a coating of rice paper or fabric for a very scenic final effect.
Among the furnishings to make functional the Japanese bedroom can not finally miss small furniture such as chests of drawers and bedside tables, lamps made of rice paper and other decorations that can be oriental plants such as bonsai or bamboo.
Finally, we can’t do without accessories when furnishing our sleeping area in a zen style. These accessories should not be chosen at random, but always following the rules of Feng-Shui and a general predisposition for minimalist environments and with little bulky furniture.

To furnish a bedroom in Zen style, Feng Shui suggests the choice of natural materials, first of all wood. Metal components and plastics should be avoided at all costs. Wooden furnishings allow for continuity, at least from a visual point of view, between the natural outdoor environments and the interior of the house. If you are preparing to paint or repaint the walls of the room, pay attention to the colors to be used. In fact, even the colors take on their importance in Zen style furniture and the choice should not be random.
Our advice is to use neutral tones such as white, sand, the natural colour of wood, beige, green and in general relaxing colours with warm undertones.

We have seen how to make your sleeping area a Zen-style paradise of relaxation and tranquility. The rules to follow are not many nor difficult to understand.
In fact, if you want to make your bedroom similar to the Japanese ones, just be minimalist and don’t be afraid to do without all the useless things you have.
The advice, however, that we provide in order to transform your bedroom into a Zen corner of pure relaxation, is to contact a designer prepared in the techniques of Feng-Shui.
In fact, the latter will be able to guide you on the choice of furnishings that best suit the principles of the Zen style!

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Finally, if you need a personalized guide to choose the type of furniture that best suits your home, send an email to valeriadesign@casaomnia.it!