Do you have to furnish the living room and you don’t know where to start? The simplest way is to suggest ideas and styles to follow, but today we will do more: we will talk about the mistakes to avoid absolutely. Follow our advice!
When you move house or rather want to give that extra touch to the living room, be careful not to overdo it! You could stumble upon some too many details or the wrong purchase. A real shame for the most lived-in room in the house, the most social one in which to welcome friends or relax in solitude. For this we offer you a small guide: read with us the mistakes not to make when decorating the living room. It will prove invaluable if necessary!
Furnishing the living room means furnishing the beating heart of the house. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to do it well by weighing every element that we are going to insert inside it and leaving nothing to chance! This is where we spend most of the day on the sofa and TV. A functional room, therefore, in which each element has its own purpose. How to furnish it without making mistakes? We reveal some tricks, treasure them!

Let’s start with the ABC of furniture: furniture. Buying quality furniture is definitely a first step to take. Synonymous with greater duration over time, they represent a first expense to be faced but not superficially. They must be studied in relation to the style of furniture that you want to give and to the design. Quality furniture does not always mean quality furniture, think carefully!
The furniture and other items of furniture placed in the living room should be evaluated according to the space you have available. If your living room is an open space, for example, you can consider the idea of inserting an island sofa with a nice carpet, perhaps, but the same is not true for a sitting area of a few square meters. The result would be stifling.

How you go about arranging the furniture is crucial. Balance is needed, as in all things. Therefore, avoid spaces that are too crowded or, on the contrary, too empty. And this also applies to the walls, don’t forget!
For the living room, perhaps more than in any other room in the house, it’s all a question of style! Choose one and only one and follow it: whether it is modern or Shabby, ethnic or classic, minimal or bohemian, it doesn’t matter. Not having a predominant style means confusion and makes the room lose its character. In part, a mix of styles is allowed if they are objects of art or sculptures and you are a good collector able to exhibit them otherwise, forget it!

The same goes for colors: pick one and stick with it. There is no point in having so many colors around the room just because we like them. Remember that colors communicate something, reflect our personality and are chosen according to the function of the room in which they will be placed. Therefore, consistency and simplicity.
Furnishing a living room means choosing the right furniture, the right style, the colors but also evaluating a number of other aspects. Among these is the study of lighting. Don’t just choose the chandelier or wall light you like best, but also study well the entry into the room of natural light. Let us enter as much as possible, it will give energy to the environment!
The choice of where to place the sofa is fundamental as it represents the nerve center of your living room. Do not lean it against the wall but prefer a more central position near a coffee table, perhaps, on leather to place a book or in front of the TV. You will create an environment that is as welcoming as possible.

Also pay attention to where you are going to put the television. Surely the equipped wall represents a smart and practical solution but choose the wall well so as not to watch your favorite broadcast with those annoying light reflections. Therefore, away from reverberations and preferably on a light wall: you will relax your eyes!
If you love paintings on the walls or you like to remember good times by surrounding yourself with family photographs, always respect the proportions. Study carefully where you will go to exhibit them, whether it is on the wall or framed on display on a piece of furniture do some tests first, see some examples online and then do the same too!
A big mistake can be to not create an all green corner in your living room. Plants are known to be life, they are positive energy, they convey serenity. The choice of vases is up to you as long as they are consistent with the context, and to prefer small ones rather than bulky ones. Choose the right plant from among the indoor ones and take care of it! Be careful not to mistake the exposure to light.

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Finally, if you need a personalized guide to furnish your living room, send an email to!