Who among you has never dreamed of furnishing their bathroom in a Shabby Chic style? A delicate and comfortable style, able to make you live unique emotions and sensations, thanks to the delicacy of its shapes and the elegance of its colours.
In fact, in this article we will discover a series of macro guidelines to create a bathroom in perfect shabby chic style. So, starting from the choice of materials and colors, we will discover the vintage soul of this very special style of furniture.
The shabby chic style is undoubtedly one of the most beloved and romantic strands of furniture for the home environment of all kinds. The environments of the house with a shabby flavor, in fact, make use of a lived-in and comfortable atmosphere able to create an all-round pleasant sense of lightheartedness and informality.
In addition to the classic bedroom, followed by the dining room, kitchen and living room, you can also furnish the bathroom in shabby style.
One of the first requirements of a shabby chic bathroom is precisely the air of romanticism and relaxation typical of this stylistic approach, catalyzed mostly by distinctive and iconic features. To achieve a textbook result, however, you need to balance each ingredient and maintain consistency both within the room and between the shabby chic bathroom and the rest of the house.

Let’s start with the real essentials of the style, and therefore also to be included in a shabby chic bathroom: the materials. What surfaces should be used and what materials should be preferred for a pleasant and attractive environment?
Wood is undoubtedly at the top of the list, to be chosen strictly in its rawest and most natural variant, and in light and elegant woods such as oak, birch and oak, or bleached. In this regard, you can opt for wood already pickled or to be treated manually with the ancient technique of pickling with which to give a specially aged look to every piece of furniture or wooden surface in the bathroom, from the sink to the shelves.
Wood, painted in soft, dusty colours such as creamy white, sage green, peach or anthracite, is also a true pillar of the shabby chic bathroom.
In combination with the wood, left natural or suitably reworked, you can add elements in white ceramic but also in metal and wrought iron. Again plaster, glass and natural fibers to enrich the environment with the addition of decorative details, accessories or simply small details of the complements present. A varied mix that must take into account, among other things, the aspect of practicality.
Ease of cleaning, resistance to chemicals, wear and tear and moisture, are in fact essential prerogatives for each of the materials listed with which to compose your shabby chic bathroom.

Now let’s move on to the color palettes that make a bathroom decidedly shabby chic.
What shades do you prefer to achieve the goal? Generally speaking, always following your personal taste, it is advisable to base the colour scheme of the room on neutral colours such as antique white, rope colour, pearl grey, dove grey and ecru. In addition, you could also go for pastel shades such as once again sage and peach, powder and lavender, but also the lighter and more opaque declinations of the light blue and yellow range.
In this sense, attention should also be paid to the distribution of colors in the square footage of the shabby chic bathroom: the right combination of colors will contribute to an impeccable visual result. An example? Aim at wooden furniture with a light and warm essence, washbasins and sanitary fixtures in classic white ceramic and experiment on walls, floors and possible fabrics with some contrasting nuances and strictly coordinated.

Once you have established the color scheme and material of the room, you can proceed with choosing the right furniture for the shabby chic bathroom. There are various furnishing solutions in which to find the one that best suits your case, both in terms of style and in terms of budget; alternatively, it will be possible to rely on craftsmen for a set of unique and custom-made furniture. Another idea, economically sustainable, is then the DIY creation of some furniture, renovating old ones.
In general, the preferred furnishings are mostly in wood, unfinished, pickled or stained. In combination you can bet on wall units of the same mold, small side drawers or consoles and sanitary sinuous shapes.
The lighting factor is also to be taken care of very carefully within the shabby-chic bathroom. The look of the room will in fact change radically depending on the type of lighting chosen for the environment. Delightful wrought iron and glass wall sconces and wall lamps are the best choice for a 10/10 shabby look.

Inside the perfect shabby chic bathroom cannot even miss them, the decorative accessories. Small ornamental objects are of fundamental importance even in a purely functional space like the bathroom.
So opt for mirrors with imposing frames in antique brass, sets of glass and ceramic vases for plants, seedlings and fresh or fake flowers. Also aim for small coordinated wooden ornaments and scented candles to be placed on the edge of the bath whenever possible, on the sink, on shelves and consoles.
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